
Troms fylkeskultursenter (Troms County Cultural Center) is the largest production center in North-Norway and a meeting place for regional and international professional artists. There are 25 artist studios,  establishing studio for young artists ( one-year-long rent of studio free of charge),  a guest studio, printing-, ceramics and textile dyeing workshops, dark room and a project room at the center.  The center also houses several independent film production companies, sound editing studio, musicians and writers, Tromsø municipality’s Art School, and Tromsø Handicraft Association. Artists at Troms fylkeskultursenter regularly organize workshops and open studio days, and outdoor projects at the center.

List of artists and organizations you can find at Troms fylkeskultursenter 

Guest artists at Troms fylkeskultursenter 2010-2019 - an overview

The guest studio at Troms fylkeskultursenter

Guest studio located on the 2nd floor in Troms fylkeskultursenter.  Guest studio is fully furnished and includes a living space (35 m2) and a working space (20 m2).  Guest studio offers free Wi-Fi, bicycle and snow-kick. Workshops for printing, ceramics, textile and a dark room are available to the guest artists. for free. Artists responsible for workshop facilites are also availble as resource persons to support guest artists’s works.

The guest studio at Troms fylkeskultursenter annually hosts 15-20 artists and curators from Norway and abroad for shorter and longer residencies (from one week to 3 months), and plays an important role in the internationalization of the contemporary art scene in the region. Residency programs are run in collaboration with local, regional and international partners. 

A-i-R for artists working with analogue film and graphic arts, in collaboration with The Polar Film LAB and Prima Ink

Troms fylkeskultursenter hosts two artists who work with analogue film and graphic arts every year invited by Polar Film LAB and Prima ink.

The Polar Film LAB in Tromsø provides working facilities, such as darkroom and workshops, film screenings, event and projects around experimental film. Polar Film LAB is run by Emilija Škarnulytė & Sarah Schipschack and is based at Troms fylkeskultursenter.

PRIMA INK is printmaking studio that aims to become a dynamic arena for visual artists and anyone interested in art. It was established autumn 2010 by artist Silvia E. Martinez with support from the Norwegian Printmakers (Norske Grafikere).

Nordic-Baltic A-i-R

The Nordic-Baltic A-i-R program has since its start in 2010 hosted 26 artists from Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The program aims to strengthen the network between Tromsø’s growing art scene and artists from the Nordic and the Baltic countries. A-i-R program is rooted in the collaboration with the local art organizations - . Tromsø kunstforening, RadArt (Tromsø Performing Arts Network), Insomnia festival, and artist-run initiatives Kurant, Small Projects and Mondo Tromsø, which provides a good framework for the program.

In the program period 2017-2018 we have also collaboratde with an artist run space Gallery Syster in Luleå that selected an artist from Norrbotten county for a one-month residency in Tromsø. In the autumn 2017 Gallery Syster hosedt Tromsø-based artist collective IMA READ in their own Nordic-Baltic residency program.

The program have received kind support from Nordic Culture Point‘s module Support for Artist Residencies in 2010-2011, 2013-2014, 2015-2017 and 2017-2018.

Read more about the program and artists who have participated in the Nordic-Baltic A-i-R program 2010--2018 here


"Video and sound art, and experimental film in the Barents region" (pilot project) 2018-2019

"Video and sound art, and experimental film in the Barents region" (pilot project) will contribute to development and dissemination of media art and art film in the Barents region through workshops, screenings, lectures and residency programs for artists, curators, art historians and theorists in North- Norway and Northwest-Russia. The program is a collaboration between Troms fylkeskultursenter in Tromsø, Vadsø Guest Studio, Noth-Norwegian Art Centre in Svolvær, Polar Film Lab in Tromsø, Fridaymilk, Daria Orlova and Galleri Ch9 in Murmansk, Selektor festival and Centre for social innovations for culture (CSI) Arkhangelsk, Elektroteatr in Arkhangelsk, Media Center Vykhod in Petrozavodsk, Cyland Media ArtLab and Rosa’s House of Culture in St Petersburg.


Art critic guest program 2017-2018

Ketil Nergaard, editor of Norwegian Art Yearbook and Kjetil Røed, editor of Billedkunst magazine, took part in our research residency program for art writers and critics. The residency program has been a part of a larger project, Development and Dissemnition of Art Criticism in Troms, supported by Norwegian Arts Council and project partners.


High North AiR Network: AIR Barents 2014-2017

High North AiR Network: AiR Barents is a unique three-year exchange program for professional artists, curators, art critic and researchers in the visual arts field in North-Norway and Northwest-Russia. In 2016-2017 AIR Barents has organized residencies, curated exhibitions, workshops, seminars and video-program in North-Norway (Nordland, Troms, Finnmark and Svalbard), and Northwest-Russia (Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Karelia and St Petersburg). Since 2014 more than 50 artists, curators, writers and other art professionals from Northern Norway and Northwest Russia have taken part in the program. https://airbarents2016.wordpress.com/

High North AiR Network: AIR Barents has been funded by BarentsKult, Arts Council Norway, and project partners.

Transfer North

TRANSFER NORTH is a knowledge transfer network that gathers 23 contemporary art organizations and institutions in the European North, that focuses on specific experiences related to the artistic, cultural and environmental challenges of the high north region.

The main objective of the TRANSFER NORTH is to create platforms for knowledge and experience exchange and strengthen connections between art professionals in the northern parts of Norway, Finland, Sweden, as well as Lithuania, UK and Russia, and other northern European regions.

The project is made out of different components in order to achieve the aims of the project:

  • Study trips & network meetings
  • Curator exchange program + curator and art critics residency program
  • Workshops and seminars

Transfer North is funded by Nordic Culture Point (Long-term network support 2016-2017), BarentsKult, Norwegian-Icelandic Culture Cooperation (2016) , Nordic Culture Fund (2015-2016), Norwegian Ministry of Culture (2015) and project partners.



Regular residency program

Please note that for the time being artists and curators who participate in our A-i-R programs are given priority.

Application criteria: Professional visual artists, photographers, and curators based outside Tromsø can apply to rent the guest studio.


Artists from Troms: NOK 1500

Others: NOK 2500

The application should contain:

  • CV, including the contact information
  • Preferred period for the residency
  • Documentation of your artistic practice (max 10 images, jpeg, portfolio in pdf, link to website)
  • Motivation letter

Send your application to postmottak@tromsfylke.no, mark the subject as "application for guest studio"

Contact person: Jasmina Bosnjak, jasmina.bosnjak@tromsfylke.no, +47 777 88 299

